martes, 20 de diciembre de 2011

Mental disease and abort

Mental disease and abortion.   British Medical Journal of Psychiatry (199, 180-186, 2011) published the major study made about the psychological sequelae of abortion.

  The review evaluated 22 studies involving 877.181 participants, of whom 163,831 had abortions.
   When evaluating the results it is found that women who have abortions are 81% more likely to have mental problems which have not. At the same time it is found that about 10% of women with mental problems can be attributed to having had an abortion previously. That the risk of anxiety disorders increased by 34%, the chance of developing depression by 37%, the fall in alcohol 110% and get started in marijuana use by 220%.

   In view of these data, supported by medical evidence, seems only right to inform women that they will abort on the psychological risks that abortion may result, and especially to the health authorities in their policy on abortion have consider this proven negative effect of it.
  On an issue hotly debated as the post-abortion syndrome, or if you possible post-abortion mental effects should be noted that this review is broader than has evere been done in the world to date in order to try to assess the relationship between abortion and mental disorders.
  First it emphasizes the methodological limitations of the latest articles published on this subject which required a thorough review of the subject to provide clarity to the society and doctors. Second compare four groups of women: one that aborted, and another who had become pregnant without planning it, a third have been planned pregnancy and a quarter who have had abortions.

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