martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011

Canon Foundation, Science, Culture and Human Life


   In compliance with its statutes express our attachment to life from conception to natural death. We declare that we will all necessary means to defend it through a clear dissemination of the culture of life, based on the dignity of the human person at every stage of its existence, from the fragility and dependency of the newly conceived until the eventual loss autonomy of the sick and elderly. 

  Human Rights and Natural Law - recorded in the consciousness of all men - encourage us to promote this work to support the activities of the Institute of Life Sciences at our University according to Catholic teaching of the encyclical "Evangelium Vitae" which manifests "the defense and promotion of life are not the monopoly of anyone, but duty and responsibility of everybody". "The challenge entering the third millennium is hard. Only the efforts of all who believe in the value of life can prevent a setback of unforeseeable consequences for civilization "(EV, n. 91)  

  What is the Institute of Life Sciences? The Graduate Institute of Life Sciences Center belongs to Catholic University of Valencia "San Vicente Martyr", which aims to defend human life, along the lines of Christian humanism as teach the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, and is led by Dr. Justo Aznar Lucea, a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life.

  The Foundation intends to create in our society a cultural environment favorable to the defense of human life, extending in the biological, sociological, anthropological and theological aspects of it. All this is directed also to promote a positive dialogue with all persons, even those who hold views contrary to ours.

  To achieve this aim our objectives are:

1. Enhance the defense of the culture of life in local, national ad international forums.

2. Supporting the activities of the Bioethics Institute of Life Sciences at the Catholic University of Valencia, and including the research support in developing and promoting favorable investigations to the Culture of Life.

3. Increase the number of scholarships awarded by the Institute of Life Sciences for the Master of Bioethics. After editing and V has been awarded the title of Magister to 503 professionals, both in our country and abroad.

4. Make Internet to reach 50.000 bulletin Provida Press - entirely edited by the Institute of Life Sciences - which collects information from media, and home made works in the field of bioethics, always with the greatest scientific rigor and objectivity. Currently publish 24 issues per year and reaches 29,000 direct recipients.

5. Significantly increase our presence in the media. The Institute has published 20 articles in newspapers and participated in 51 radio and television programs in 2010.

6. Reaching out to schools and other educational institutions with exhibitions, screenings and educational materials aimed to young people, one of the most important policy objectives of the Foundation.

  Foundation's goal is promote and support all activities listed above, responding to the Evangelium Vitae states: "It is urgent for a general mobilization of consciences and a united ethical effort to implement a strategy for life. Together we must build a new culture of life "(EV, n. 95). All framed in the New Evangelization plan promoted by Benedict XVI. 

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